When does Rooted take place?
The first session of Rooted begins January 11 at 6:00 PM. After the first session, groups will meet throughout the week in various locations on campus.
Is there a cost to participate?
The cost to attend Rooted is $35 per participant, which pays for your workbook, supplemental materials, and Celebration Dinner at the end. We believe you will see the value of this experience once you have completed it.
Where do Rooted Groups meet?
Rooted groups meet at either one of our campuses—Wanamaker or Montara. Most groups will meet Wednesday nights, however, a few groups will meet throughout the week.
Is childcare available?
If your group meets Wednesday night, yes! Children can participate in our children and student ministries.
Is there homework?
Rooted includes a book and asks participants to engage in a 15-20-minute Bible reading, devotion, and response 5 days a week. It’s an accessible and meaningful way to grow during the Rooted experience!
Do I have to show up all 10 weeks?
The 10 week Rooted experience is 13 total sessions; 10 with your normal group time, 2 outside experiences with your group and a final Celebration that you can't miss. Rooted participants are expected to attend both outside experiences and miss no more than 2 weeks of the normal group time. If you think you will miss three or more meetings you might want to consider joining us for the next round of Rooted.
Are there refunds available if I do not complete Rooted?
If you communicate that you are dropping out after session 3, there are no refunds. If you communicate that you are dropping out before session 3 and your Rooted workbook is untouched, a full refund is available after it has been turned in or a partial refund of $20.00 is available if your Rooted workbook has been used.
How do I get my materials?
You will receive your workbook the first time you meet together with your group. Your leader will have your material and walk you through how to use it.
What happens when Rooted is all over?
We hope that after Rooted, your group becomes a Life Group. The chance to lead your own Rooted Group in the future may be offered as well.
Questions or more info rooted@wwnaz.org