Next Steps
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Every Sunday morning, we have a team that gathers at 8:00am to pray and anoint all the doorways and pews at the main campus. Click here to sign up.
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The larder is pretty empty at our partner ministry, Christian Neighbor Center. They could use some donations and there are often opportunities for volunteers to help out. Check with Sharon Herrmann to get details and click here to get a list of items to donate.
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God is doing amazing work through our partner ministry, Be Filled of South Topeka. They are needing a few volunteers to assist with food and clothing distribution. If you would like to lend a helping hand, please give Jamie Jalil a call at (785) 383-1811. The awesome folks at Be Filled will feed you before you serve. If you can be there for the whole time, or even just a part, check out this great ministry. This is a part of our mission of being a church filled with compassion.
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Every 2nd Friday of the month we host or help with a Monthly Connection Dinner for Foster Parents. This is a Volunteer opportunity - Food and childcare needed. Contact Peggy Fisher for information. Click here to sign up:
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Every week, our Hospitality Team helps create a welcoming experience for first-time visitors and regular attendees. Team members also help with special events. If you would like to use your gift of hospitality, click here to sign up.
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We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Student Ministry. Click here to sign up. Pick up an application from the Check-In table and help make our church a great place for kids and their families to be! Please read our Family Ministry Policy Handbook.
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We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Kids Ministry. Click here to sign up. Pick up an application from the Check-In table and help make our church a great place for kids and their families to be! Please read our Family Ministry Policy Handbook.
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Our church has a subscription to a video library that has great content for all ages and it's available to you - for FREE! It's called RightNow Media and can be accessed on multiple devices. You can even download videos for your family to watch while traveling. Click here to access our subscription.
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If you know of someone who is fighting an addiction, this new book "Set Free" is a great resource. This is the personal story of Harlan White as told to Pastor Holmes. Click here to find it on Amazon and remember, every cent goes to Wanamaker Woods Church of the Nazarene.